- Express Pediatrics has recently opend a satellite office in Highland. The walk-in urgent care is strictly for kids.
- Checking for strep, Jordan Croce, 9, of Hopewell Jct. has his throat checked. His mom Colleen looks on.
- Tristan Delgiudice, 4, is given some medication.
- A high five is given after the meds.
- Dr. Severin Palydowycz looks back to his OR Technician, Carolyn Scheps as he gets ready to remove a cataract from a patient.
- Dr. Severin Palydowycz looks through a microscope as he gets ready to remove a cataract from a elderly patient.
- Controlling the instrument in his hand by a foot peddle Dr. Severin Palydowycz takes his shoes off for better control during the procedure.
- Anesthesiologist, Steven Solomon makes some notes at left, as RN Jill Trotta keeps and eye on the monitor while Dr. Severin Palydowycz finishes with his patient.
- Optometrist, Dr. Todd Punim of Monroe begins to check Madison Losino’s vision as she sits on her mom’s lap.
- Assistant Clinical Director, Jon Hess congratulated Kathy Jones of Monroe after she navigated her leg over an obstacle in her path.
- Kim Kivler, LPN, of Washingtonville, gets a vile of allergen to take into a syringe. Part of the treatment for allergies is testing to see what one is allergic to.
- Kim Kivler, LPN, of Washingtonville, injects Gabbi Medeiros with a small amount of allergen creating a skin bubble. The reaction is measured to make a unique serum to desensitize the patient.
- Dr. Virginia Feldman MD, an otolarynologist (ENT), of Goshen holds some the the serums that she uses to desensitise patients from allergies to pollen
- Debra Hanley, center of Kingston, holds onto her son Kenny, 4, a he receives the nasal form of the Swine Flu vaccination at an immunization clinic.